10. The Legend of Aunt Jemima and the Monetizing of Mammy
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Dr. Kimberly Wallace Sanders
We connect with Dr. Kimberly Wallace Sanders to discuss "Aunt Jemima and Monetizing Mammy.” This is part 3 in our 4-part series on the Mammy caricature.
Dr. Kimberly Wallace Sanders, Emory Professor and author of Mammy: A Century of Race, Gender and Southern Memory and Skin Deep. Spirit Strong: Critical Essays on the Black Female Body in American Culture.

The Aunt Jemima Image Over the Years
Aunt Jemima Ads
Aunt Jemima at Disneyland
Billy Kersands - Author of "Old Aunt Jemima"
Episode Resources
Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus - Blacks in Advertising, Yesterday, and Tomorrow by Marilyn Kern-Foxworth - http://a.co/6gbX51X
Slave in a Box - M.M. Manring: http://a.co/33hJFpm
Billy Kersands - Black-Face.com - http://black-face.com/index.htm
Aunt Jemima Radio Show - “Tell Me Where I Am” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdPnss65WKE
Aunt Jemima Disney commercial - https://youtu.be/84dKyADoiNk
Blog: “Through Zena’s Eyes Black History Month: http://zmblackhistorymonth2011.blogspot.com/2011/02/feb-13-aunt-jemima-negative-stereotype.html
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